Exploring the Choreopoem:
Art as An Act of Revolution
Join GGN cofounders, LaUra & Aimee, as they chat with Monica Prince* about activism, art, and leaning into the darkness as resilience strategies in tumultuous times.
The first hour of this event is a discussion between Aimee, LaUra & Monica, and the last half hour is a Q&A from participants.
When: Jan 21, 2021 5:00 PM Mountain Time (Check EveryTime Zone to see what time it will be in your region)
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
*Monica Prince teaches activist and performance writing at Susquehanna University in Pennsylvania. She is the author of How to Exterminate the Black Woman: A Choreopoem ([PANK], 2020), Instructions for Temporary Survival (Red Mountain Press, 2019), and Letters from the Other Woman (Grey Book Press, 2018). She is the managing editor of the Santa Fe Writers Project Quarterly, and the co-author of the suffrage play, Pageant of Agitating Women, with Anna Andes. Her work appears or is forthcoming in The Texas Review, The Rumpus, MadCap Review, American Poetry Journal, and elsewhere. For more information on Monica’s work, head to her website: www.monicaprince.com